Monday, October 8, 2012

Stopped In Our Tracks!

We didn't get far from our anchorage at Sandy Hook this morning before we snagged a huge fishing net in our port propeller. K. tried to free the net, but we don't have our scuba gear on board yet and the huge mass was too much to budge.  Left with no other option, we called in a professional diver.  Of course he was back at Sandy Hook, so we had to turn around and cruise back on one engine, relaunch the tender and pick him up on the dock.  Once in the water it didn't take him long to cut the prop free of the heavy net.  The diver was very nice and only charged $75 for the job.  We had hoped to make it to Delaware Bay today, but will have to settle for Atlantic City.
K. prepares to go in to the cold, murky water

Fiona and Jack wait for Diver Dan.

Diver Dan surfaces with the offending net!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 4: Dolphins on the Bow!

Friday's highlight was easily the dolphin escort we received offshore between Block Island and Fishers Island! The playful group of common dolphins stayed with us for 1/2 hour!  After 11 hours, we arrived at Riverside Yacht Club.  K.'s Uncle kindly put us up there for 2 nights while we waited for offshore winds to subside.  The kids got a much needed day on land on Saturday, playing at the park. Dinner Friday night at the club with family and Saturday at K.'s Uncle's house in Greenwhich.  What a treat not to have to cook for 2 nights in a row!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cruising Day 2 and 3

Yesterday we cruised from Boothbay Harbor, ME to Gloucester, MA.  It was a foggy day and rainy, but we managed to log over 100 miles!  We had many feathered friends come aboard for a rest from their travels which had me singing "Hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride, gotta get me home before the mornin' light..."  One little guy flew in to the wheelhouse when K. opened the door.  Fiona caught him and set him free.  

Tonight we are moored in the Great Salt Pond of Block Island.  The morning began foggy.  Entering the Canal was tricky as visibility was less than 200 feet!  We were in radio contact with another vessel leaving the canal as we were entering.  We could see him on our radar, but did not lay eyes on him until he was just off our port side bow.  Once inside the canal, the fog lifted and we all relaxed.
Low visibility entering the canal. 
We made great time today despite the weather.  We are a day ahead of schedule!  Next stop, Riverside Yacht Club in Greenwhich, CT!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



After 4 days of hauling our groceries and possessions on board in the rain, we finally weighed anchor this morning at 6am!  Morning greeted up with a lovely sunrise.  Seas are a bit up and down at times, but everyone is happy -- except the cat.  She threw up not long after the seas began.  Since then she's been holed up in a little corner looking pretty miserable.  Hopefully she will come around.  I moved her from the Fiona's cabin up to the wheelhouse which I hope will help.   Bella is hitching a ride South via automobile with a friend.  One less critter to worry about for now.  Arrived in Boothbay Harbor at approx. 3pm for the night.  Went ashore to have a look at the HMS Bounty which is hauled out at the Boothbay Harbor Shipyard.  We also got a good look at 'Amistad' on a mooring in the Harbor as well.  A pretty perfect 1st day!